Monthly Archives: February 2018

Minstrel Shows

Minstrel Shows

Minstrel shows began in the early 19oo’s where white Americans began painting their faces black to resemble African Americans and traveled to put on shows. These …


Signal, noise, and computers

Signal, noise, and computers

Thanks to the discovery of signal and how they work, we now have useful everyday technology that make our lives easier. Some examples would be …


The Shallows

The Shallows

Reading Nicholas Carr’s book was a little hard to understand and difficult to pay attention for long periods of time. I kept having to read …


Life of an American Firefighter vs. Saving Private Ryan

Life of an American Firefighter vs. Saving Private Ryan

In class, we discussed the realism between an old time film by Edwin Porter and a more modern film, Saving Private Ryan. Professor O’Malley mentioned …