© 2018 christaayn

Scavenger Hunt

My musical term is synthesizers that were used in synth-pop aka techno-pop from the 80’s. Despite dabbling in each instrument possible throughout grade school, I am still musically challenged and have very limited knowledge on music. Therefore, I didn’t realize synthesizers was a word that was able to be applied to the musical world and especially not as a type of instrument. Synthesizers are instruments that convert electrical signal into sound waves. They are able to generate/ mimic other instrument sounds or natural sounds like waves from the beach or animal noises. Synthesizers could also be used with other instruments to be able to control the sounds and adjust it to create music. It is not known by historians/musicians how long-ago synthesizer origins began, but the history of synthesizers goes back as far as the 1700’s. There have been many versions of it since so many others after that time period are modified versions or derived from the original synthesizers. Overall, it was a popular instrument used in the 80’s for techno/pop and probably still used to this day in modern music.

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